When it comes to CBD products and how they affect the body there are many differing opinions. Currently, the only known side effects from ingesting CBD are headaches, nausea and seizures. It has been claimed that CBD can enhance the benefits of certain prescription drugs, but these claims remain unproved. There are also many claims that CBD can help combat depression and improve moods, even help increase focus and productivity. But does CBD really have any benefits at all? Is it really that great of a benefit over traditional medication and pharmaceuticals and what are CBD delivery methods?

Cannabidiol is the scientific name for CBD. This compound has only been found in cannabis and hemp plants in the United States. As with THC, cannabidiol has a high concentration of both non-psychotropic and psychotropic potential. Unlike THC and other cannabis-related compounds, CBD has no known addictive qualities. However, recent studies on animals seem to suggest CBD has therapeutic properties that may be useful in treating depression and other serious medical conditions.

In clinical trials, CBD has shown signs of effectiveness in reducing seizures in children with multiple sclerosis. In these trials, patients who had experienced multiple sclerosis were given CBD or placebo. Those who took CBD reported significantly fewer seizures than those who took thc; the reduction was nearly two hundred percent. Though more research needs to be done, this represents a promising step forward toward the development of a truly non-intrusive medication for the treatment of neurological diseases like multiple sclerosis.

Like other cannabis-based compounds, CBD is thought to interact with certain receptors in the brain which mediate the pleasure people receive from marijuana and other recreational drugs. In animals, CBD has been shown to prevent the development of the neurofibromatosis associated with aging. This disease is caused by the over-production of a chemical called tyrosine that interferes with the function of dopamine, the brain’s neurotransmitter. CBD has been shown to reduce the rate of formation of this chemical.

Because CBD is in so many dietary supplements, it may be difficult for manufacturers to prove that it has no harmful side effects when used alone. Even if CBD is not added to supplement, many manufacturers combine it with other ingredients, creating a highly concentrated form of CBD. When used this way, it is not likely that anyone would suffer ill effects from pure CBD. However, when combined with other substances such as thc or other cannabidiol derivatives, CBD may test found in cosmetics and dietary supplements that claim to contain “all natural” ingredients.